Since wearing intimate apparel like lingerie is usually not discussed in polite company it is difficult to say who, what, when and where about the subject. Sexy lingerie is designed to be worn in private places between two adults and by and large the rest is up to girls and women to learn on their own. That talk between mom and daughter may or may not ever get to the subject of the wheres and whys of wearing sexy lingerie. So what is a girl to do, or should I say woman. Most of us would agree that girls are not to be wearing sexy lingerie but that truly depends on what age we call a girl a girl and when we call her a woman. In this day and age of awareness and freedoms it can be a bizarre array of what is appropriate and what is not appropriate. A married 19 year old girl is her daddys little girl and a mans wife, all at the same time. A sixteen year old girl is a girl, even if she were married. In our culture that would certainly be too young to be married but not in all cultures, to be sure. So are we any closer to the answer to the question, When did you start wearing sexy lingerie? I think not!
Some might say, when a girl gets married is a time to start wearing sexy lingerie. Others might wonder in this day of a Miley Cyrus oddly and uniquely touching herself before a many million people audience as to whether that age doesn't start far earlier. Does it matter? Since wearing sexy lingerie is a private matter does it matter when a girl starts wearing sexy lingerie? Since it is a private matter the answer is surely no, it doesnt matter. A girl can buy sexy lingerie at virtually any age I suppose. She can always say it is for a gift, for her mother, sister or older girl friend. But does the sales clerk even have a right in inquire as to who that sexy piece of clothing is for? Probably not as there are no age limitations anyone has to be to purchase suggestive intimate apparel. But does that not fly directly in the face of those good people who are honestly and deservedly concerned about human trafficking or the slave/sex trade? If society felt it was enough of a problem then they would place restrictions on the age of purchasers of sexy lingerie, right?

There are those who might say this is a silly, frivilous article as girls know when to start wearing sexy lingerie. They and they alone can decide for themselves at what age they should be sexually active, or at the very least that is up to their parents or guardians. If nothing else it bears considering as a girl of 17 today is far more mature than one of say 50 years ago, right? Or does it matter. I think it does as our society is evolving and many complain devolving. Are we progressing or regressing? Does what a girl wears to bed alone or with someone else matter? Should it be a matter of public policy? Should government be involved in what goes on in a private bedroom?
What goes on between consenting adults is one thing, but what about a girl and a guy. What about a 16 year old girl and a 17 year old guy? Don't think the problem doesn't exist as it certainly does. In an age where teachers are charged and often found guilty of engaging in sexual activity with a minor, perhaps we have only seen the proverbial tip of the iceberg. Perhaps the reader can dismiss the question as the issue never came up for them. But when did you start wearing sexy lingerie? Is the question a harmless one or one that requires more than a passing thought? Clearly I don't have any answers, but if clothing says anything about a person, and I believe it does, what a woman wears to bed is both her business and depending on her age, the business of others. I just don't really know when that age is and who should be deciding it.

The next logical question goes to sexy costumes. Wearing sexy costumes at Halloween parties and public gatherings is common place. Guys wear costumes, while girls wear sexy costumes. Flirty Lingerie, www.flirtylingerie.com, has sold these costumes for many years and interest is still high among our customers. While many are flirty and fun, others are fairly revealing and suggestive. Only in fun, we think so, but many parents have raised objections, while others accompany their children or young girls to buy the products. Are we training our young girls to wear revealing clothing or simply allowing them to socialize in an age appropriate manner? Sex is part of life, right? It seems whether we like it, encourage it or not the society seems to agree that this is appropriate or at least allowable behavior. Healthy or not the trend seems to be here to stay. Twerking, and all!
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