What does your sexy lingerie say about you? Well, first of all do you even wear sexy lingerie in the bedroom? If the answer is no then it says how adventurous you are or aren't. Wearing sexy lingerie suggests you think about your romantic life ahead of time, or plan how you are going to look and feel in the bedroom. If you are wearing panties and a t-shirt then you are concerned more about comfort than about appearances. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that but you can't deny that this says something about you. What it says is not necessarily negative but a statement is being made nonetheless.

Think about it this way. A man who doesn't shave or shower every day could be said to be unstructured, care free and a man who cares more about what he does rather than how he looks or even smells. Is that a negative statement? Well, you decide. A man who grooms himself every morning, shaves, puts some product in his hair and wears fashionable, clean clothes, maybe brushes his teeth and maybe even wears cologne. Who would you rather spend an evening with at a local restaurant?

The point is that it matters and it does say something about you. Does that mean that a woman must wear sexy lingerie every night? Hopefully not! Sexy lingerie is intended to make a statement about a woman, how she feels about herself and also how she feels about the man in her life. Is it easy? No, unfortunately not really. C'mon, lets face it, getting all dolled up in some very revealing night wear that shows off her body in all its splendor. This at a time when you are tired, sleepy and stressed out after a day of kids, work and well, stress. Easy it isn't. So what is a girl to do. Well, perhaps all she needs do is realize that it says something about her, what she wears to bed. If it says something about what she or he wears to work, then it really does matter what she wears to bed. Ignore it at your own risk.

Is that a threat? No and yes! Relationships at work matter, relationships at home matter as well. Most of us would never dare show up at work in pajama pants and our hair in curlers. Most men would not show up at work in his U Conn t-shirt with stains and holes in it to his job with some underwear with holes in it and so on. You get the message. Sure you might consider one to be more important that the other. But if you do, consider what it says about you.
Sexy lingerie is a statement maker all right as either a man or woman who takes the time to get dressed and spends the time grooming themselves is likely a special person in his or her relationship. The examples used in this article may be a bit obvious but the point is the same. A matched bra and panty set sends a specific message that a woman cares about how she looks. It is not an accident that women and men in the movies are dressed in matching bra sets and thigh high stockings and perhaps some high heels. But even though most if not almost all women choose to take their stockings and high heels off before sex, the effect can be arousing. A womans body looks hot naked but can be even more effective with a push up bra and some well fitting panties, stockings as well.
The next time you are getting ready for bed, think about what your night wear says about you. Is it the message you really want to send?
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