Creme Blanc is white cream, decadent and indulgent while lingerie is much the same. Then there is romance and dating, two subjects that believe it or not go with the white cream and lingerie. So when I decided what to name my blog I decided that Creme Blanc was an ideal name. No it is not about food as creme blanc is often used in association with creme brulee'or other sweet food items. My blog is about what I like and that is reading about and seeing images of sexy lingerie and hearing what I can do to improve my romance as well as picking up dating tips! What I like says a lot about me and in this way the blog is not at all limited in what I write about. Since I like creme blanc I also don't like other things like cauliflower or brussel sprouts. I do like photographs, beautiful people, architecture and movies. I am kind of eclectic, I enjoy off beat humor and politics, but less and less.

Perhaps my inspiration is the old Herb Alpert and the Tijuana Brass album picturing a naked girl who has whipped cream all over her body. You could only make out the outlines of her breast and nothing else really yet is left an impression on me.
The songs were kinda old school, instruments only and very sexy and that is sort of a guide for the blog. See what you think?
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