Twins in booty shorts and a bra make a good picture. What else to do but wander around looking sexy in a pair of white boots, white ruffle panties and a gold string bra. booty shorts show off a girls butt and if you have a sexy butt then you may want to take the plunge. Booty shorts are often referred to as cheeky shorts, again as they show off a girls derriere and while you see them out in the summer, they are often worn by dancers, strippers and pole dancers or other performers by girls who have good body images.
Boy shorts are another item of girls panties or girls lingerie that is referred to as boy leg panties. While they are actually different, boy shorts offer greater coverage than briefs and thongs. Boy shorts are hugely popular and a recent survey from the U.K. showed that young men prefer girls wearing boy shorts rather than thongs or any other panties. This same survey showed that sexy lingerie, strappy and exotic lingerie were significantly less popular than a girl in a pair of boy shorts and a bra. Just when you think every guy likes a girl in a thong you find that many, many men prefer more coverage but a tight, snug fitting pair of lace boy shorts.

Panties are girls favorite pieces of lingerie and there is no wonder why. The selection, price and plain and simple sexy look of a pair of panties are virtually hard to beat when it comes to looking sexy. Of course panties come in so many styles, g strings, c strings, thongs, tangas, brazilian panties, crotchless panties and many more make them one very sexy piece of lingerie.
While you probably don't remember the days when full back cotton panties were the choice women had when picking underwear. Well, I don't and I don't care to go back to that time, do you? The growth in the panty market is such that it doesn't look like it can grow much in terms of selection. Certainly these booty shorts can get much skimpier, tighter and sexier, or can they?
1 comment:
The twins in the matching panties, boy shorts or booty shorts are so well, sorry girls, ordinary. The scrunch back panties in camouflage are something else altogether.
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